Hi! I'm Sadhan Mukherjee

I have been a journalist and author for most of my life and written way too many pieces in way too many publications both print and digital. My long years in journalism and educational training have given me a unique world view that is called Weltanschuung in German. I try to look at everything from that perspective. Since I have seen the world through my many years of travel to many countries and met varied sort of peoples, I have acquired an added value in my thinking. My blogs and articles therefore reflect what I think and the way I think.

It is more in the nature of an individuality, not as an organised opinion; in fact I do not like to be an opinion maker. What I write might or might not be appreciated but it is what I feel about events, things, and myriad other matters. Hence, read it for what it is worth. Hope you enjoy the material and are willing to share your opinion with me regardless of whether you agree with me or not.

Besides the usual academics, I was fortunate to attend special courses in International Labour Law at ILO-WFTU College, Warsaw (Poland), 1960, and journalism in International College of Journalism, Bernau, Germany, 1964. I have had the chance to work in diverse fields like in All India Trade Union Congress international dept as also in the journal Trade Union Record as editor, legal affairs.

I worked as a journalist not only in India as special correspondent of several newspapers but also as foreign correspondent of India Press Agency in Berlin as well as South Asian secretary of International Organisation of Journalists, Prague. I was selected as Chief Editor of Peace Courier in Helsinki and then as Executive Secretary, WPC (an International NGO with Category “A” status with ECOSOC at UNO). I had the opportunity to visit many countries which helped me author many books, travelogues and special reports.

In 1998, on return from Europe, I set up a computer education centre under licence from ET&T, an Enterprise under Ministry of IT, Government of India; and after ET&T was closed down, opened Sikkim Manipal University study centres that received the coveted SMU award in 2008 and 2009 for excellence and helped thousands of students become graduates and post-graduates.

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